Patti Smith on how it felt
OK, my friends. After my words, I offer here Patti Smith's words about her experience at the Nobel ceremony. Nobody could say it better.
OK, my friends. After my words, I offer here Patti Smith's words about her experience at the Nobel ceremony. Nobody could say it better.
A beautiful moment of grace last night, in between news of Aleppo's tragedy, suicide bombs in Istanbul, merchants and vacuous celebrities preparing to take over America, polluted Paris coughing and gasping: Patti Smith singing Bob Dylan's "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" at the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm. Winner of the Nobel Literature prize, Dylan declined [...]
Celebrate another (happy) Bloomsday! (tomorrow, June 16) Celebrate your life, the whole and all the parts! We'll be sitting together in Paris, and there's room for you to join wherever you are. “If Socrates leave his house today he will find the sage seated on his doorstep. If Judas go forth tonight it is to [...]
Happy 128th birthday, James Joyce (born Feb. 2, 1882, Dublin) Happy 88th birthday, Ulysses (published Feb. 2, 1922, Paris) And happy Groundhog Day, one and all (no shadows visible here today)
Homeric link: Hades/Hadès Scene: The Graveyard/la cimetière Hour: 11 a.m./11 heures Organ: Heart/coeur Art: Religion/religion Colors: White, Black/blanc, noir Symbol: Caretaker/gardien With this visit to the underworld - Glasnevin Cemetery, the heart of Dublin, the city of the dead - Joyce concludes his second triad of episodes. Here the seemingly separate movements of Stephen and [...]
Lien avec Homère: Les Lotophages Scène: le bain Heure: 10 heures Organe: Organes génitaux Art: botanique, chimie Symbole: eucharistie Voici de nouveau Bloom, qui, ayant quitté sa maison, commence à tracer son chemin à travers la ville. Il ne retournera au 7 Eccles Street que bien plus tard, fatigué par ses méandres jusqu’au coeur de [...]
Homeric link: The Lotus-Eaters/Les Lotophages Scene: The bath /le bain Hour: 10 a.m./10 heures Organ: Genitals/Organes génitaux Art: Botany, Chemistry/botanique, chimie Symbol: Eucharist/eucharistie Here again is Bloom, who, having left home, begins making his way about the city. He will return to No. 7 Eccles Street only much later, weary from his wanderings, deep in [...]
Joyce, le Turc (Ali Baba Bakchich Rahat Loukoum Effendi) Merci à Timour Muhidine (INALCO) et Altan Gokalp (CNRS) de m'avoir reçu dans le cadre de leur séminaire "Traduire la Turquie," où il a été question le 25 avril de la traduction d'Ulysses. Formidables échanges, réflections, remarques sur un classique. Un oeuvre et une discussion plus [...]
from Mark Epstein on Buddhism, psychotherapy and art: "...James Joyce talked about something similar when he described the best way to look at a work of art. He used the word "beholding," but I think he was describing something similar to what Freud was pointing to when he suggested that we "catch the drift" of [...]
Lien avec Homère: Calypso Lieu: la maison Heure: 8 heures Partie du corps: le rein Art: la science économique Symbole: la nymphe Couleur: Orange La deuxième partie d’Ulysse commence avec l’épisode 4. Dans la première partie – les trois premiers épisodes – Stephen Dedalus, le poète-philosophe à l’esprit vif, nous a été présenté. Stephen est [...]