Every moment is a new year

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Every moment is a new year

Time, once again, to acknowledge the conventional « passage of time » that we call the « new year. » It’s a great moment, in fact, when many of us reflect on what has been and what is to come, when we express our hopes and wishes for ourselves and others.

It’s also a fine moment to stop and look right here, now, wherever you are: What is « it » right here? Who is « it » right here? When is « it » right now?

« If the doors of perception were cleansed, » noted William Blake, « everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. »

That « cleansing » is actually not about « dirty » or « clean, » but rather about opening the doors so that we can see and appreciate things as they are in all their extraordinary ordinary splendor.

Every moment is a new year, every breath a new life, every heartbeat a step into a new world.

By | 2015-10-02T15:09:05+00:00 janvier 5th, 2015|Textes|0 Comments

About the Author:

Enseignante Zen et poète, Sensei Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell est née et a grandi à Minneapolis, aux Etats-Unis. Arrivée en France en 1981 pour étudier la littérature et l’histoire, elle y est restée, s’installant à Paris, où elle élève ses deux enfants et gagne sa vie en tant que journaliste. The Zen teacher and poet Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell Sensei was born and raised in Minneapolis, but came to France in 1981 to study literature and history and has lived in Paris ever since, raising her two children and making a living as a journalist.

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