Celebrate another (happy) Bloomsday! (tomorrow, June 16)
Celebrate your life, the whole and all the parts!
We’ll be sitting together in Paris, and there’s room for you to join wherever you are.
“If Socrates leave his house today he will find the sage seated on his doorstep. If Judas go forth tonight it is to Judas his steps will tend… We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love. But always meeting ourselves.”
James Joyce, Ulysses
“Si Socrate sort de chez lui aujourd’hui il trouvera le sage assis sur le pas de sa porte. Si Judas sort ce soir c’est vers Judas que ses pas le mèneront… Nous marchons à travers nous-mêmes, rencontrant voleurs, fantômes, géants, viellards, jeunes gens, épouses, veuves, frères d’amour. Mais toujours nous rencontrant nous-mêmes.’’
James Joyce, Ulysse
" le vrai voyage, c’est de changer de regard intérieur "
for 10 years right before me on my toilet – to remember a few times a day…
we sit a few times a day…
Dear Ute,
Thanks for your comment and little tale of finding Ulysses at the museum. Let me know how it goes once/if you start reading.
As you see from the new post, I’m back at last! Took some time off during the summer, letting the "itinerary" clarify a bit.
My reading at the moment, since August, is Proust, A la recherche du temps perdu. Had already read the first volume long ago, but now finally decided to delve in and read it all. Loving it, although it’s a reading experience like no other. Probably will write about it here at times.
Hope all well with you.
dear amy,
wondering yesterday why you didn’t continue blogging since, I went to the MMK (museum of modern art) at francfort today to join a class for art teachers about the actual exhibition about helio oiticica and – entering the foyer of the museum found a pile of books around the theme of the exhibition and the artist, including a book from freud about laughter (did he know?), no really, not about laughter , it was about "joke" (less interesting) and was happy to see among all that a beautiful red red red hardcovered james joyce ulysses (from suhrkamp, translated by wollschläger into german)…bought it. since a friend of mine (who did read it then) offered the book to me about 30 years ago ( I was to young then and not interested) it is on my to-do / to-read-list, but never got that close again. knowing you and your connection to the book inspired me, I am looking forward to get into it. thank you. what about you, now?
what does a zen monk do when he is not able to sit anymore becouse of medical reasons?
AMY! send me again your email address or phone number—i cannot find the one you gave me at Jacqueline’s! send to my email: josan500@yahoo.com
thanks, hope to meet for lunch! Jo
Hi Rita.
Joyce’s great book Ulysses takes place on June 16, 1904, starting in the morning and ending late in the night. Joyce set the action on that day, it is believed, because that was the day on which he had his first date with Nora Barnacle, the love of his life, the mother of his two children, his lifelong companion.
My voyage of the year was to Ireland. I arrived ten days ago, on the 15th June.
And I can say I met myself there.
Dublin was quite interesting – specially due to Joyce’s memories – as much as the countryside. The James Joyce’s circular tour was very interesting and I would go for it a second round with this Irish youngman expert on Joyce’s writtings. He’s own editions (Ulisses and Dubliners) were full of notes and he read some parts of here and there.
We’ve seen Jesuit schools at Belvedere, places where James lived or Harold had been or crossed and talked with others.
Do you know why the 16th june is the Bloomsday?
waaaw – this is great!
it reminds me to Rumi’s guesthouse – but its is writen more directer.
let’s be this canal for life….