

About zenscribe

Enseignante Zen et poète, Sensei Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell est née et a grandi à Minneapolis, aux Etats-Unis. Arrivée en France en 1981 pour étudier la littérature et l’histoire, elle y est restée, s’installant à Paris, où elle élève ses deux enfants et gagne sa vie en tant que journaliste. The Zen teacher and poet Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell Sensei was born and raised in Minneapolis, but came to France in 1981 to study literature and history and has lived in Paris ever since, raising her two children and making a living as a journalist.

février 2011

Retreat notes, VI (One infinite territory)

By | 2017-04-04T06:58:18+00:00 février 19th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Rain has been coming down all day, off and on, laced with a chilling edge. Late afternoon, and it's hard to imagine that it's warm and sunny somewhere, or snow-bound, or deep, dark night. Of course it is, however, and of course I can't "know" it unless I'm there. What does it mean to be [...]

Retreat notes, V (Open and connected)

By | 2017-04-04T06:58:18+00:00 février 18th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Our "fifth day" is coming to an end for me here in Montreuil. We had our usual evening sitting at the Red Earth Centre and much lively discussion. I noticed that I was much less tired than usual on Friday nights. Seems I'm energized by this retreat. Not surprising. We've all been delving into our [...]

Retreat notes, IV (Hearing pain)

By | 2015-10-03T16:44:39+00:00 février 17th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Day 4 of our retreat, Thursday, another day at the office. There was time for a short morning sitting, a bit of "stillness practice," before leaving home, unlike yesterday. And then it was into the "movement practice" of the world and its array of daily motion. We think we know it so well! And yet... [...]

Retreat notes, III (Back to the roots)

By | 2015-10-03T16:44:21+00:00 février 16th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Had to go to the office early this morning, so no sitting to start the day for me. Have to wait until tonight. Which is exactly how my practice has always been, since the very beginning. And which is how this "retreat in the heart of life" came to be: It was/is a direct result [...]

Retreat notes, II (Where we meet)

By | 2015-10-03T16:44:04+00:00 février 15th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

Second day of our great adventure into the heart of life. Sometimes I forget about it, forget that this is a retreat, only realizing that I've forgotten when I remember. And then suddenly as I put the key in my door upon returning from a lunch date, the "world" is beyond imagination and yet right [...]

Retreat notes, I (Borders)

By | 2015-10-03T16:43:43+00:00 février 14th, 2011|La pratique Zen|

So after sitting this morning and before sitting tonight, it's Monday, with it's usual routine of household tasks, meetings and appointments. And yet today, there's a difference: These activities are my contribution to the retreat that we are plunging into together. A fountain of gratitude gushed forth as I read all your words. With the [...]

Retreat in the Heart of Life (improvisation)

By | 2015-10-08T17:34:14+00:00 février 10th, 2011|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Thanks for your enthusiasm about this first Retreat in the Heart of Life. I'm delighted to share this experiment with you all, wherever we each are. We're offering ourselves a superb opportunity to live Zen practice and our entire lives as an endlessly vibrant and creative improvisation. It's not too late to join in; info [...]

Marvel of marvels, all together (now)

By | 2015-10-02T16:42:15+00:00 février 7th, 2011|Textes|

"The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another.'' I come across this quote from Thomas Merton, and it seems so very appropriate for so many things these days, within me and [...]

Sunday afternoon, nothing to know

By | 2017-04-04T06:58:18+00:00 février 6th, 2011|Textes|

Sunday afternoon, clear and cold here. There's nothing in particular that I "must" do today. I go about a few tasks, discuss films with my son, hang out with the cat, make arrangements for a future trip, check the updates on the Internet, take a walk to the news stand for the Sunday paper. Following [...]