As Henri Michaux wrote, l’abandon de l’empire de moi m’a étendu infiniment…
(abandoning the empire of me spread me out infinitely
The obstacle that is me is no longer obstacle. Space is neither great nor small.
This is not exchanging one empire for another, however. This is not a closed infinity.
This cool spring midday clouding over is no substitution for the sun, radiant, in the early morning. What became of it, and of the hours in between?
Like me, they are shattered, gone, they are lost, they are found all around, ubiquitous at the desk.
Sorry to jump in uninvited…can’t resist bringing in a famous quote that (one) mind wrote once on a (its own) rakusu:
"When I look inside I see I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I look outside I see I am everything, that is love. Between the two my life turns…"
like you could say
in the end (and i mean realy in the end not before) it is the same
if you look mindfull to the outside or straight to the inside?
it is not something =not solid
is there a still point where mindfullnessmeditation and concentrationmeditation are just both sides of the same coin?
‘Cloud of not knowing’
Knowing without knowing
seeing without ‘perception’
seeing is seeing
foreground and background at once in the same plane
Michaux is inspired, inspiring. So is Bataille. So is the rain in the street and the cars splashing by. So are the words of my correspondents. Thank you.
Infinity that is not closed includes finitude, includes arising and falling, beginning and end, without beginning and end. It is not even infinite.
what do you mean by
This is not a closed infinity.
You seem inspired, Tu.
So I wanted to say something like “I’m happy for you”. Ha.
Words seem so futile.
If someone is really glowing like fire, what is there to be said?