All weekend, as I go about home activities (waking, sleeping, dressing, cooking, cleaning, talking, shopping) and then take up the day-job of cutting, fitting, packaging reports of what a select few have sorted and catergorized as the day’s most worthy news, I am with a few incisive words from Georges Bataille about the nature and realization of intimacy with self and all else:
« Ce qu’une lumière, inévitablement discrète, et non le grand jour de la science, à la longue nous révèle est une vérité difficile à côté de celle des choses: elle ouvre à l’éveil silencieux. »
(« What a light that is inevitably discreet, as opposed to the bright day of science, reveals in the long-term is a truth that is difficult compared to that of things: It opens to silent awakening. »)
There is not another thing to say.
This afternoon, as I was thinking about “this one thing”, I discovered a hole in the backside of my old jeans. I don’t know how long I walked around with it. Embarrassing.
Re: "There is always another thing to ask":
No, just this one thing.
letting everything go
opening to everything
There is always another thing to ask.
How can it be "kept"?
Non-abiding; not even in peace of mind; is peace of mind.
What is peace of mind?
my job is
– for 90% listening to people (and not only with the ears)
– 5% encouraging them to have the trust to jump in their own pool
– 5% finding out together what seeing is about… To see just what there is – no less no more
I try each day – completely.
It is a great "practice"
There is not another thing to say ?
There always is.
There are two ways of keeping peace of mind.
Either we keep our minds firmly closed (and we will be dogmatic).
Or we keep our minds open and accept the impermanence of what we ‘know’.
Science is open minded (or it is no good).
Religion tends to be dogmatic.