In the garden this morning, I am looking where I always look.
Blossoms stand ghostlike in abundant tree foliage. A dead leaf hangs captive in the frayed strands of a flag, flit-flapping. Undergrowth and overgrowth fill the day’s holes with unknowing.
I watch.
New faces of color and light emerge.
The more I look, the less I know what I see. Or who.
« Je pourrais passer le reste de ma vie simplement à dessiner deux chaises et une table, » said Giacometti. (« I could spend the rest of my life simply drawing two chairs and a table. »)
We live in words – (*)
unable to pervade life…
*concepts, categories
free translation:
from wonder to wonder
being/existence opens up. "
Lau Tze – "Tao Teh King" 1
Like: most of the time we don’t see; we "recognize" what we allready "know": the old.
When we see we don’t "recognize" as allways: everything is new. Although a table is a table…
In this way we can do the same walk over and over again – the same for drawing a table…
"The more I look, the less I know what I see. "
When we don’t know anymore what we see ( categorical storylevel), we are maybe able to see for the first time…??? (abstract lervel)???
To do so we have to be "totaly naked"???
(There is only one lettre differece in seeing and being???)
(And yet at the same time abstract level = storylevel (hartsoetra))
At the same time we "see" for ex. the horizontality of the hoizontal which is very different of the verticallity of the vertical…???
Seeing is differentiating very clear and profound without making categories…??? so without making things solid – for they apear in the moment…???
So when we have to react on something , the reaction comes out of a kind of open wisdom of seeing/feeling/ a kind of non categorical understanding but not a categorical "knowing" of "the verticallity of the vertical"???
"or who"
When we? "see" we don’t see the solid concept we made of the people we know.
We? see/feel the abstract level of what (kind of energy) there is????`
Who is seeing???
i could spent the rest of my life trying to draw the drawing of my life… and failing every time… and succeding all the time… that’s my life