Je suis Charlie
About the Author: zenscribe
Enseignante Zen et poète, Sensei Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell est née et a grandi à Minneapolis, aux Etats-Unis. Arrivée en France en 1981 pour étudier la littérature et l’histoire, elle y est restée, s’installant à Paris, où elle élève ses deux enfants et gagne sa vie en tant que journaliste.
The Zen teacher and poet Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell Sensei was born and raised in Minneapolis, but came to France in 1981 to study literature and history and has lived in Paris ever since, raising her two children and making a living as a journalist.
Thank you all for your comments. I have nothing to say except: Keep reading and writing!
11 – 1 – 2015 – only 12h
there we go
too easy – as i said –
allready recuperated by people who did not kill 12 but thousands of people only last years
still building on soil that is not theirs
not to speak about others
and nobody reacts.
i am feeling not well…
as well as i agree with thousands of good hearted people over there
and hope that the good will and the good heart and the insight will grow from this everywhere
but let us sit with this…
and look too the complexity too…
and to our society too…
We are walking with you down under
Je suis sans doute différente de tant d’autres, j’ai du mal à écrire "Je suis Charlie"C’est si facile de le dire et de l’écrire. Ils ont fait parti de ma culture, je les aimais bien pour leur capacité à tout remettre en cause, leur côté "même pas peur"j’avais du mal à supporter leur côté phallocrate. Je ne suis pas Charlie car je n’ai rien fait pour que cela n’arrive pas, je n’ai rien fait pour soutenir le journal qui allait disparaitre. Je n’ai pas eu leur courage, ni leur talent pour dire mon opinion. Et puis je pense qu’il y a trop de bruit maintenant et qu’il vaut mieux être dans le silence
je suis Charlie, bien sur!
même si je n’avait aucune simpathie pour quelques caricatures de provocation, Aucune.
je suis un crayon
we can hide behind anything
some kill so called because of faith
the same faith out of which Rumi wrote his tender poems of love…
i am told that some criminologues say that when there is no war – there is a lack of possibility to ventilate aggression??? this is not a very appealing thought…
and what is this democraty we want to protect? what is it really about?
Can we find it somewhere really well hidden under consumentism, hedonism, individualism, and the the big golden altar of money above everything … ?
it is easy to go in defence
but we could look at everything – ourselves too
to see what really matters
it is time to see what really matters
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
this is not only an extremist terrorist act.
this is a new kind of war.
to create fear
and this fear is great food for other kinds of extremism
this is an important moment:
– what is it exactly that we want to protect?
– and how do we do that? efficiently?
laws of couse and result
fight for concepts
lack of compassion – unconnected
" let us sit for connection ? "
Je suis Charlie
Paris vie un blitz-cours zen: "Je suis Charlie"
C’est facile pour moi; comme des années j’étais abonnée au seul journal que j’ai lu dans ma vie – qui était le paralel du "canard enchennée " en France.
mais quoi avec:
"je suis terroriste?"