When you stop to consider all the « current events » that capture our attention every day, it seems impossible to settle on one, to select a moment, an event, a person, an issue, worth singling out from the rest.
Is the ongoing slaughter in Syria more « captivating » than a presidential debate in France, Greece’s ongoing economic woes, International Women’s Day, the full moon, the cat staying out until all hours last night, a delicious mushroom risotto for dinner, a poem called « How I Know What I’ll Never Know » revised this afternoon, a broken finger nail, Bob Wilson and Philip Glass’s revival of their mythic opera « Einstein at the Beach, » a random phone call inquiring as to whether I had any gold for sale, a cold rain in late afternoon, snapshots from friends in Australia, a new designer at Yves Saint Laurent, restless sleep, the stillness of the garden at 2 a.m….?
Each is what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. Which is less a response than an ongoing question.
I don’t know.
I guess when we are really into it – completely inspired. We can do a lot. We can give everything we have and more.
See Ghandi – or Mandela.
One nun: sister Jeanne Devos – gave her life to the better life of servants-girls in India. Nowadays there are allready laws about the protection of those servants-girls becouse of her. And punishments when they are not followed. Something changed.
I think everyone of us has an enourmous potential to give. So big that i think we ourselves are afraid of it most of the time. Deep inside we know. Under layers of dust of excuses.
When love is big enough beyond ourselves – we can do anything. But we have to get in touch with that…
i don’t know about Syria enough…
and i understand your feeling of powerlessness very well
I’ve been thinking about Syria during these last days, all those people suffering, being tortured and killed, people killing and torturing others… It seems such an embeareable situation… As I rest at my home, so safe, I wonder if it was me who was there, how would I bear it? Would others (countries/peoples) come to help?
It seems that, by chance, I’m not the one there, and they are…
It doesn’t make much sense, I can’t find any logic, solution, to all this…
All I’m able to do, here, is to read what I can about it, and try not to turn away from their suffering.