Monthly Archives: novembre 2012


novembre 2012

Retreat in the Heart of Life, Day IV

By | 2017-04-04T06:58:15+00:00 novembre 22nd, 2012|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

No time until now to post here a Day IV "vehicle" (or perhaps "container" is a better word?) for today's flow of comments. At first, that seems like a problem: I'm not keeping up with the pace of the day, I'm leaving the participants without a space to share their experience. But then I think: [...]

Retreat in the Heart of Life, Day III

By | 2015-10-02T20:34:03+00:00 novembre 21st, 2012|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

Quick notes from the top of the morning... Occupied by a sore leg, mental agitation, differences of opinion, strife in Gaza and in little corners of myself, and then suddenly word that a baby has been born to friends, a girl, earlier than expected but all is well. The father says he is the "happiest [...]

Retreat in the Heart of Life, Day II

By | 2017-04-04T06:58:15+00:00 novembre 20th, 2012|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

With the first flickers of light in my eyes this morning, I begin my meditation by acknowledging all those with whom I share this retreat week. There are all those who have sent email confirming their presence. There are those with whom I sat last night. There are those in the house with me at [...]

Retreat in the Heart of Life

By | 2017-04-04T06:58:15+00:00 novembre 18th, 2012|Retraites au coeur de la vie|

"A Retreat in the Heart of Life" (Retraite au Coeur de la Vie) Date: Nov. 19-24 Place: Wherever you are Wherever you are, life is there! How could Zen practice be anywhere else? Take a plunge into the heart of your life just as it is. This is a superb opportunity to live Zen practice [...]

Obama, Act II

By | 2015-10-02T15:33:01+00:00 novembre 13th, 2012|Textes|

It sometimes seems like such a mad, mad world: economics, politics, athletics, entertainment, disease, birth, death, natural disaster, cruelty, war, love, distraction, waste, abundance... My own life has all of that in varying doses, shifting unseen moment to moment. There may be laughter or tears or something in between, and then the opposite or something [...]