Einstein, Chaplin and many hands clapping

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Einstein, Chaplin and many hands clapping

One day, Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein were standing together before a crowd that was applauding them.
« Do you know why they are applauding us? » Einstein asked Chaplin. « You, it’s because everyone understands you. Me, it’s because no one understands me. »

I love this story.
We applaud what we « understand » and we applaud what we don’t « understand, » while not understanding what we « understand » and don’t « understand, » and understanding what we « understand » and don’t « understand. »
Laughter and awe touch us to the core. It’s where we meet ourselves.
This story reflects the deepest, splendid truth of our being, its two inseparable aspects, wisdom and compassion, the personal and the impersonal, the concrete and the ephemeral, and how each is singular, all its own, and how each is present in the other, how each is not each, not two parts, but one whole.

By | 2017-04-04T06:58:19+00:00 mai 20th, 2010|Textes|0 Comments

About the Author:

Enseignante Zen et poète, Sensei Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell est née et a grandi à Minneapolis, aux Etats-Unis. Arrivée en France en 1981 pour étudier la littérature et l’histoire, elle y est restée, s’installant à Paris, où elle élève ses deux enfants et gagne sa vie en tant que journaliste. The Zen teacher and poet Amy “Tu es cela” Hollowell Sensei was born and raised in Minneapolis, but came to France in 1981 to study literature and history and has lived in Paris ever since, raising her two children and making a living as a journalist.

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