It’s Friday.
There was work today, so much that I didn’t stop for lunch. On a television in another office, weekly prayers in Tehran seemed loud amid what has until now been mostly silent upheaval. I imagine crowds swelling with hope again, day after day, along tree-lined boulevards in soft Persian afternoons. I think of peacocks. I think of what could be and what could not be.
Then upon returning home I continue with other tasks.
After a time I can rest. A breeze slams the door. The sun emerges from behind clouds although evening nears. Feels like a promise kept: Summer, too, is near.
Must go out again soon. We have a weekly sitting date.
A line from an old Chinese poem says, If you live in accordance with worldly affairs, you will have no obstructions.
I cannot perceive life with or without obstructions.
What is called by "obstructions" and "no osbtructions"is for me life. And I could try my best to explain you but will fail ever and ever.
Life is all my wordly affairs.
Typing on my computer now. Dog barks outside in neighbors house. A car arrives. I feel my body tired. Soon I have to go out for dinner at friends house. The taxi will arrive soon. I think on my girlfriend that is away. Go back some letters to correct an error. Miss my homeland. Miss being with my teacher and practice brothers. Am always near to them. And them to me.
Think on the old story about the student and master. Student asks the master: "what is the essence of buddhism?" Master replies: "have you finished your meal?". Student says yes. Master replies: "then go to wash the dishes"
"have you finished your commentaire?"
"so then press envoyer"
I don’t know.
The question is: What does it mean to you, "have no obstructions" and "live always in accordance with worldly affairs"?
Do I need to have no obstructions?
Arent I living always in accordance with worldly affairs?